Tamil Kamakathaikal – You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like naughty.
You: hey
Stranger: Hi
(நீங்களும் உங்கள் கதையை எங்களுடன் பகிருந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் . எங்கள் தளத்தில் பதிவு(Register)செய்து உங்கள் கதையை எழுதவும்) . தயவு செய்து பெரிய கதையாக எழுதவும் . கதையை இங்கும் அனுப்பலாம் : tamilkamaveri@gmail.com
இந்த கதையை எழுதியவர் : omegler
You: 24 m
Stranger: 19 f
You: im Johnny..by the way
You: nice to meet u
Stranger: im Hanna
You: Hey hanna..nice name
Stranger: nice to meet you too
You: great..hey hanna what do u like ?
Stranger: thank you, john is a nice name too
You: do u love role playing ?
Stranger: Role playing is fun
You: yeah..i love it hanna…it is really funny and sexy too
You: shall we do role play ?
Stranger: sure
You: you have any roles in mind or shall i tell ?
Stranger: you go ahead
Stranger: and tell
You: (I can be your elder brother’s best friend and one day i come toyour home in search of him and finds u after a long time) or
You: (We both can be naughty neighbours always loves to have secret affairs without knowing to our each other’s partners ) :P
You: or
You: (I can be random stranger whose care gets broke down suddenly in front of ur home that friday night on that beach road and i come to ur home for help)
You: which one hanna ?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: i like the first one a lot, but i also like the second one too
You: even i like the second one more..just because it will be funny and spicy since we both are married and we love to have secret affair without knowing to our partners ..and we can add spice like getting phone calls from our partners when we have fun…like that
You: so..which one ? ;)
Stranger: Lets go eoth the second one
You: yeah…shall i start ?
Stranger: Go ahead
You: (It was a monday afternoon…as usual i woke up late finding myself very hungry..and seeing my wife didnt cook also and she went to office)
You: (I have no option but to come and meet my sexiest neighbour in that whole flat)
You: knocking ur door
You: “Hello..any one there ?”
Stranger: Come on in!
You: “Hey dear..hope ur bustard is not here ”
You: “honey..hows ur day going”
You: “i just woke up finding myself very hungry”
Stranger: Good, how have you been
You: “oh..im good..i miss u all day during night time..its great that our partners go to office in day time and we find time for ourself”
You: i smile
Stranger: It sure is
Stranger: what are you smiling about? I smile a little too
You: “honey..having something to drink ” i smile again
You: “anything top milk tank or bottom juice tank ..im fine with both ” ;)
You: i say and giggle
Stranger: I giggle and blush a little bit
You: “honey..as i say” i make u sit on sofa and started spreading ur legs and suddenly got on my knees to pull ur panties and push my head at ur sexy pussy
You: i grab ur hands and make them control my naughty head
You: “honey..i want this first”
You: “push me in deaR”
Stranger: Mmhmm
You: I lick ur sexy inner thighs
Stranger: ohhh
You: and softening ur soft pussy
You: and slowly getting my head closer by widening ur legs
You: and kissing ur sexy pussy
You: all over
Stranger: mmm
You: and smootching again and teasing with my tongue twist and nose softy
You: i slowly pushed me in again and started twisting my tongue faster to taste the honey and slowly getting my hands on that so yummy navel too
You: i make ur body feel the heat and making it push at my head
Stranger: Nhhhh
Stranger: ohhh
Stranger: i press into you harder
You: i started licking and sucking all of a sudden and pushing deeper and kissing ur sex clit and licking harder and harder
You: my tongue goes deeper
You: and deeper
You: finding the sexiest sweet honey
You: and i started shouting
You: “honey..dont pull me out”
Stranger: Mmmmm!
You: “i found the heaven
You: push me in..widenur legs
Stranger: ohhhh
You: aaahhhhhh
You: i spread ur legs even wider and harder
You: and kiss deeper
You: and my nose naughtily collideing with ur sweet pussy
Stranger: mmy legs xan only go sso farrr
You: i slowly touch ur navel and started my fingers rotating around ur sexy navel
Stranger: ohhh
You: i pulled my head suddenly and started kissing and licking all over ur navel
You: sooooo yummy
You: meanwhile my finger started playing with ur sexy pussy
You: going in and out
Stranger: Nnnhhh
Stranger: nghh!
You: i kissed harder and all over my face got stick to ur yummy navel
You: so softttt
You: aaaahhh
You: (suddenly u get a call from ur hubby…i can speak ur husband voice if u want)
You: “honey…ur phone rings”
You: “check who the shit is”
Stranger: Awe man
You: i was meanwhile sqeezing ur boobs
You: and nipples
Stranger: oh crap
You: “what the fuck ?
Stranger: its him!
You: “oh shit…that idiot”
Stranger: what do i do?!
You: “ok..speak with him..lets manage” i was licking ur navel
Stranger: i answer
You: “hello..dear,…how are u ?”
You: “what are u doing honey ?”
Stranger: oh im fine
Stranger: im just cleaning up a little
You: “sorry babe..i wont turn up tonight..i have a meeting at my office”
Stranger: ok
You: “uhhh…thats ahy i hear some weird noise”
You: i kiss ur pussy deeper
You: as u speak
You: and lick ur navel again
You: teasingly
You: i sqeeze ur nipples harder
Stranger: I try not to make any sounds
You: “what is going on ? honey ? any problem ?”
Stranger: no no problem, im just cleaning
You: i giggle inside and touch softly ur inner thighs make ur feel erupt and get my head at ur navel closer
You: with one hand at ur phone
Stranger: hhhhh!
You: “uhhhhhh….honey take care…sorry i cant come tonight”
You: “ohhhh..what again ?”
Stranger: Its ok
Stranger: whats going on?
You: “ok…honey…bye..” ur hibby cuts the phone
Stranger: Bye
You: “hmm..that was close” i naughtily bite ur lips getting up and kissing ur neck and cheeks
Stranger: Giggles
You: “its funny to have sex with my dear with her idiot in phone”
You: i giggle with u
You: and bite ur ear lobes and whisper “honey we are cheating partners forever”
Stranger: Its also very naughty
You: “i love it and u love it”
Stranger: mmm i do love it
You: “oh….pleasure is more with him on the line ” i giggle and kiss ur navel again
You: and pushed my face at ur sexy boobs
You: and nipples
Stranger: i arch up to meet you
You: arch ?
Stranger: when you bend your back
You: honey…i love ur inner thighs so much and my face at ur pussy
You: i feel heavenly as i say
You: i slowly teased ur sexy navel yummy
You: i love ur sexy waist
You: and i made u baby sit on my thighs
You: and making ur feel my hard dick
Stranger: oooh
You: i started kissing ur back and making ur neck bending back at me
You: and i started kissing ur neck
You: with my hands firm on ur sexy waist
Stranger: mmmmm
You: and ur ass right on my hardest ever dick
You: my naughty fingers again goes to ur sexy pussy for a ride
You: with my lips kissing ur face
Stranger: ohhhh!
You: and my tongue goes deeper inside ur mouth to taste ur sexy tongue
You: both tongues fight for each other so long
Stranger: mmmm!
You: to find themselves getting locked forever
You: and my another hand right on ur inner thighs with my fingers drawing softly
You: and crazily
Stranger: mmmmm…
You: “honey..i love this pose”
You: “i love to be with u forver.”like this
You: “even with ur hubby on the phone ”
You: “that crap guy misses ur and works in office”
You: “its just awesome for us”
You: “ohh…i love my sexy ”
You: “neighbour”
Stranger: It sure is
You: “so sweet”
You: i kiss ur lips
You: and giggle
Stranger: i giggle also
You: (suddenly i get call from my wife)
You: “Fuck..who the hell is it”
You: i shout
Stranger: ugj
You: “honey take that phone , i say ” with myself licking ur back
You: “whos calling dear?” i ask u with me carassing ur back and waist
Stranger: its your wife
You: “fuck…”
You: “ok i grab the phone from ur hands..”
You: “hey ..tell me ”
You: (can u speak my wife voice? )
Stranger: sure
You: (u can tell like..that shes is going to moms house or anything ..think crazily)
Stranger: I have to go look after my mother, she has the flu and i need to take care of her
You: “oh…its ok honey..u can go from directly from office..i will manage”
You: i giggle out with u as she said that
Stranger: Are you sure?
You: “Yeah..no problem..i will manage…hope i will get something from neighbours”
You: “oh…..aaaahh”
You: “yeah..i will get honey..dont worry”
Stranger: Umm ok bue
You: “bye..”
Stranger: bye
You: and make u sit on my dick again
You: with my dick in full force
You: and kiss all over ur cheeks and neck
Stranger: Woah, whats going on?!
You: and hugging u sooo close
Stranger: ngh!
You: “shes not coming home todau”
You: “im very happy ”
You: “oh man..God is making us stay together like anything”
Stranger: Awesome, but i cant breathe
You: i giggle and kiss ur sexy lips again
You: “uhhhhhh…yeah…loving this honey”
Stranger: heehee
You: i make my hands inroads into ur thighs and started drawing i love u with my fingers making ur wet again
You: and kiss deeper at ur sexy face
Stranger: mmmm
You: and seeing ur cleavage with my eyes andlooking at ur eyes
You: both were in wonderland of heaven
Stranger: i giggle knowing that my eyes werent what caught your attention
You: “Honey…shall we go to beach house of myne today ?”
You: “ohhh…it will be awesome with cool night ”
Stranger: that sounds lovely
You: “riding with my sweet neighbour”
You: “oh..i love this ”
You: “lets get ready just wear nighty that should be good enough to remove easily” i giggle
You: i will just pull up my shorts and t shirt
Stranger: I giggle too
You: “sweet heart…take some real honey from fridge..i wanna mix it with ur milk and juice” “let me take the car key from my home” i run like in marathon
Stranger: I giggle as i get a jar of honey
You: “i pull u to lift of our flat..since it was friday night no body was there in lift…”
You: “lift started from our 10th floor”
You: i kissed ur head
You: “honey….i love u dear”
Stranger: I love you too
Stranger: i snuggle my head next to your neck while waiting
You: uhh..i love ur head to my neck ;)
You: i got my car from parking and almost broke the door to get u inside ;)
You: “get inside sweet heart”
You: “sit beside me in front seat”
Stranger: i get in
Stranger: ok
You: “honey…pull ur nighties up…i love to soften ur sexy thighs while driving ” i giggle and smile at u
You: as i put my first gear
You: “lets go to heaven” i shout inside
Stranger: i pull my nightie up
You: i slowly made my fingers softening ur legs so cutely and made u feel the shyness and that cute smile
You: “uhhh….this shyness…i love it dear”
You: “ohh….that sparkling smile make ur face look more cute”
You: i drive in full speed
Stranger: i blush and giggle softly
You: with the AC on the car
Stranger: you might want to slow down a little
You: i felt my hair on my body at peak with u nearby
You: “uhhhhh…i slowed it down and stopped suddenly
You: and got my head right on ur sexy thighs and started kissing all over
You: and grabbed the honey bottle
You: and poured at ur legs and pussy
You: “honey…in honey”
Stranger: here? Now? !
You: “oh…wow…dont worry dear..i will lick it so nothing is visible outside when we get out of car” i say
You: and giggle at u
Stranger: I giggle back
You: (now u get call from ur husband…i started driving…u can convince him like u are driving out for dinner or anything..lets make it more spicy)
You: “Fuck..who the hell is it ” i get my head from ur thighs
You: “honey..ur phone only”
Stranger: Its him
You: “fuck..that idiot again…lets make him think…tell him that u r going for dinner party of me…tell him i called for dinner with my family”
You: “Hello…hey dear? ..sorry again…i cant come today”
Stranger: pk
Stranger: ok
You: (i started speaking ur husband voice)
You: “Hello ?”
Stranger: yes
You: “Hey …had dinner ? ”
You: i drove fast so that he hears the sound
You: ;0
Stranger: actually thats where im going now
You: (u can even give the phone to me that neighbour is taking for dinner like that)
You: “oh nice…are u going in car?”
You: “its sounds like that ?”
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Our neighbor offered to give
Stranger: me a lift
You: “Oh…thats great…give him the phone” as ur husband says i get the phone from u and started speaking in my voice
You: “hey MAN…
You: ya..im doing good ”
You: “oh..hows work ? take care man…ya im taking her with my family”
Stranger: Thats why you hear a car
You: “well…she offered me juice and honey many days when my wife was out…”
You: “so..its pay back time ” i giggle inside and kiss u so silently
You: “ya man….so im just taking her to my party…oh yeah..she is so happy ”
Stranger: i giggle knowing what you mean
You: “dont worry..i will take her till u come”
You: “no problem for me…actually i have to thank u so much for so many ” i tell
You: and almost laughed
You: (he heard my laugh ) and asking ? “what ? why” ;)
You: “Hey nothing man…just kidding…u are great and such a good asset for your office..keep doing the work forever..so u reach great heights like i do right now”
You: as i was saying i started sqeezing ur boobs and and smoothening ur sexy navel
Stranger: I roll my eyes
You: “ok man..bye …”i cut the phone and throw on back seat and kiss u all over
You: again
You: “i laugh aloud”
You: aaahhh
You: hhhhaaahhha
You: “oh man..he is really crap guy”
Stranger: i giggle
Stranger: ugh, he is
You: (in the mean time..we have reached the beach house)
Stranger: oooh pretty
You: “honey..lets go to top floor…it will be good in open moon..since this is beach house and remote nobody will come here”
You: “its our day tonight” i smile and kiss ur lips again inside the car last time
Stranger: i smile
You: and naughtily driving my fingers lastly once again at ur pussy
You: ;)
You: and getting my keys out of car with one hand and another from sexy pussy driver ;)
Stranger: my smile gets even bigger
Stranger: nnnnhh
You: i got the big bed from room and made it on the open stairs with moon and so cool air from beach
You: and getting honey bottle from ur hands naughtily ;)
Stranger: This is amazing!
You: we sat for some time chatting
You: and enjoying open air and full moon
You: “Honey..isnt this our first honey moon ” i giggle
You: i show honey and moon and laugh ;)
Stranger: i giggle
Stranger: I laugh until i snort once
You: i slowly started speaking about our first meet and first romance etc
You: “Honey..do u remember our first meet..when i come to ur home for help in preparing juice”
You: “u accidentally cut ur finger while putting juice for me”
Stranger: oh yeah..
You: “i came all of a sudden and from no where i started sucking ur finger standing behind in ur kitchen
Stranger: it hurt
You: “that day…was the first time..i liked u so much and my dick got into act ” ;0
Stranger: Heehee, i could tell you were excited
You: (dear…try speaking like anything which comes to ur mind to drive more romance..like what i told)
You: “yeah..very much…automatically my dick got so erect as soon as i licked ur finger
You: “and u my dear drive me crazily by falling on my body with ur stealing eyes
You: “oh..that was a great day for us to kick start”
You: “i mean dick start ” i giggle again with u
Stranger: I giggle
Stranger: Youre so silly
You: “haha..im ..just like you are so naughty having fun with me while ur hubby on call”
Stranger: i jokingly push you
You: i also push u in respondingly and giggle
Stranger: well, you are WAY better than him
You: “Uhhh…i know that when that idiot is sitting in office even gifted yourself as wife”
You: “he is an asshole”
You: “waste of a man”
You: “i love u honey…”
Stranger: i love you too
You: “did he take to beach or any where seriously ”
You: breeze started little heavily as the mist started little higher and making us feel little cooler
Stranger: umm, well we went out every now and then,
Stranger: its nice here
You: “ohh…as it was getting cooler i grabbed on bedsheet and covering both of us…”
You: “honey…wont it be nice with us naked inside bedsheet enjoying this coolness”
You: as i say i got my hands on ur nighty to unhook it
Stranger: I giggle
Stranger: i flash a little grin
You: i slowly pulled ur nighty zip and kissed ur cheek like i did infinite times
You: i naughtily..got the honey bottle in my hand and started playing with it by pouring all over ur naked body ;0
Stranger: Its so sticky :)
You: “dont worry..its just to stick my body with u and lick all over..afterwards we will have warm water bath together ” i say and hug u closer to me
You: i again pulled u to my body and made u feel my hard dick on ur tight ass
You: and i kissed ur neck and earlobes and cheeks
You: and one finger right on ur pussy
Stranger: mmmm…
You: “Honey..do u remember our last new year meet..it was the second time i had more sexier appeal on u”
You: “you were wearing a sexy yellow sari …”
You: “its still in me eyes”
You: ” i think even on that day…ur husband went to office”
Stranger: He is an idiot
You: “really he is” i giggle and put my hands on sexy thigh again and smoothened ur body like massaging
Stranger: Not you
You: “tell me who am i ?”
You: “tell me which word describes me most ?”
You: i ask naughtily
You: and again i kissed ur neck to make ur head bend at my body
You: and i touched ur navel softly and hugged in closer
Stranger: Loving
You: “thats it ..? i ask and bite ur lips ;)
Stranger: and funny
Stranger: and smart
Stranger: and naughty;)
You: ;) haha..oh yes..we are smart enough and funny and naughty to have this set up and beach house
You: (time was about to reach midnight of 12’o clock…)
You: “uhhh…we were the only people here enjoying like this beautiful beach cool air and moon light” i say
You: and smile and look through ur crispy eyes
You: “Honey….i love to do more now..lets play in beach” ;)
You: “shall we go out there?”
…fun starts .. Chat Pannum Tamil Kamakathaikal